

My experience with your site was a pleasure

I met a really wonderful woman

I met a really wonderful woman and thank you guys for the experience

Some rude

Most of my interactions were pleasant, some rude. The site should show people closest in distance as opposed to those who live very far away.

It was useful

It was useful and the site provided me much intel and I have met a wonderful women

I am hopeful

I wasn’t too confident this would work, but I meet a few nice guys and then meet an amazing guy! Thanks, I am hopeful for the future…

Just be careful

This is a great site. Just be careful there are alot of fake profile. Tons of people that play games on the good souls that are looking for a life time partner.

Need a way to sort search results

Need a way to sort search results by age, location, other characteristics. Carosel photo should have caption that indicates location as well as age.

Flaws in the site

Flaws in the site, like the search area doesnt stay the same. But if it did i wouldnt have met the man of my dreams. So it is great

This site was ok

This site was ok. You can only send two messages without paying, so you usually put a phone number in one of those first two messages. Don’t waste a wink, because it counts as a message. There are a lot of fake profiles, which you will notice. And when I had started the account, I noticed you had the option of looking for a partner, while having your relationship as married or taken or whatever. I felt as if the site encouraged adultery.

I do appreciate

I met a few people but I guess I am not everybody’s cup of tea. But I do appreciate your help. I met somebody really nice thanks to your site.

Amazing guy

Matthew and i have been going strong for almost three months now and i couldn’t have asked for the most amazing guy ever! We started talking the beginning for December of 2020 and met on new years ever. We have been together ever since and are very happy.

That is perfect

I met someone once on here turned out wasnt what i wanted in him and but now met someone that is perfect

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